Carrot Top Studio

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The Journey to Easter: Lent Stoles that Tell a Story

As we embark on the sacred season of Lent, our hearts turn towards reflection, repentance, and the profound journey towards Easter. At Carrot Top Studio, we believe that every element of worship, including clergy attire, can be a visual narrative of this spiritual pilgrimage. Join us as we delve into the stories woven into our clergy stoles, each design reflecting the poignant steps from Ash Wednesday to the triumphant resurrection of Easter Sunday.

At Carrot Top Studio, we understand that every stole is not just a piece of fabric; it's a visual testimony of the sacred journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. As clergy members don these stoles, they carry with them and share with their congregations the profound narrative of Lent—the ashes of repentance, the wilderness experience, the palms of anticipation, the shadows of the cross, and the radiant resurrection. May these stoles become not just garments but vessels of spiritual expression, guiding us all on the transformative path of Lent.